Monthly Archive: August 2012

Some beautiful stuff around Ferrol!

Ferrol, Galicia, Spain Another couple of busy days! On Saturday my roommate and I went around Fene in the evening for a drive. We went to a small port that was really pretty and I saw a typical Spanish cemetery….
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First couple of days

Ferrol, Galicia, Spain It has been a busy couple of days! Yesterday my roommates and I went into Ferrol, which is the main downtown city near their hometown of Fene, to walk around and to get my phone. Ferrol and Fene…
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Finally in Spain!

Fene, Galicia, Spain Finally arrived in Spain today! The journey was very easy and I had almost no trouble. I had a few hours at the Dublin airport to walk around, too, which was nice. Now I’m in my roommate’s…
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Well I’m leaving for Spain today, flight is a little after 4pm. Feel nervous, excited, and anxious. Just doesn’t really seem real! I mean, I’m going to be on a plane to SPAIN! It’s like some fantasy or dream right…
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