Monthly Archive: September 2012

La Ciudad de Cultura

Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain My roommate and I went to Santiago’s newest museum-type thing, called la Ciudad de Cultura (the City of Culture), a couple weeks ago. It’s not an actual city or anything – it’s supposed to be…
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Murcia & Cartagena

Murcia, Spain Cartagena, Spain Last weekend I took a mini-cation to visit family who live in Murcia, Spain. It was great finally getting to know who I had been Skyping with and had heard about for years and years –…
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Santiago de Compostela!!!

Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain I am FINALLY all moved in to my apartment and loving the city It’s actually a lot like Milwaukee and everything I could possibly need is within just a few blocks, and the psychology building…
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Historic military castles and trenches in Ferrol

Ferrol, Galicia, Spain My roommate’s dad took me to the history military castles and trenches located on the entrance of the ocean inlet into Ferrol. Ferrol is one of the most important military port towns in all of Spain, and…
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