Monthly Archive: October 2012

This is pretty spot-on.

Observations: Night Owls!

There are more people out on the street at 3AM than there are at 3PM.

Observations: Children.

You can’t reason with a group of 4-year-olds to whom you are desperately trying to teach English. They don’t care about English.

A more general update…

Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain My mom complained that I hadn’t posted in a while, and I usually don’t post anything unless I’ve been somewhere. But, besides traveling, a lot has been going on. So, about life in Santiago… While…
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Madrid: the capital of Spain and one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world. Naturally it’s a top trip priority if I’m living in Spain for a whole year, right? Well, while I’m glad I went, I can’t say it…
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Oh, Porto!

Porto, Portugal Braga, Portugal This past weekend I went on a little adventure to Oporto (or just Porto), Portugal with other Erasmus Student Network (the European exchange program – ESN) students. It was so much fun! I took so many…
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