Monthly Archive: November 2012

La acción de gracias en Santiago!

Well, back home it’s Thanksgiving and my family is celebrating at my Aunt and Uncle’s house in Kentucky! Although I’m definitely sad I’m missing out on all the laughs and pies, I’m not going to let it get me down…
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YOiLO: You’re Only in Lisbon Once!

Fatima, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal Sintra, Portugal Cascais, Portugal This past weekend was the trip to Lisbon! It was a really nice time and met quite a few new people also from Erasmus. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t the best on Friday…
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Homesickness and all that jazz.

Well, next week will mark three months of me living in another country – something I never thought would happen. And it has been amazing, indeed. I have travelled to Ferrol, Fene, Madrid, Porto, Murcia, La Coruña, and am even…
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Fun nights out!

Fun nights out!

Observations: Umbrella etiquette, slippery sidewalks, and small dogs.

As usual it was a rainy evening here in Santiago. And, as usual, I didn’t have a decent umbrella or my new rainboots that pinch my feet. Anyway, I have noticed that, as a result of all the rain here…
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Observations: Chocolate con leche.

Spain’s cafes have the BEST hot chocolate I could ever dream of. Thick, creamy, and super chocolately with a mountain of whipped cream, if I want. Add in a few freshly fried and sugary churros for dipping? Nothing else matters….
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La Coruña

La Coruña, Galicia, Spain Spent a lovely day in La Coruña with some lovely friends yesterday. It’s only a 30-minute train ride away! I think La Coruña has the biggest mall in Spain, so that’s what the main interest was last time…
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Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain Finally tried the pulpo (octopus)! The seasoning tasted a little like smoked salmon, and the octopus itself didn’t have too much of a flavor. It wasn’t squishy at all, but very tender. Santiago and the…
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