Monthly Archive: March 2013

Paris: The City of Exhaustion

Paris, France On Wednesday and Thursday this week I spent some time in Paris and was so exhausted the whole time. On Wednesday, after coming back from Florence just a few hours earlier, I had to leave my Rome hostel…
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Florence and Pisa

Florence, Italy Pisa, Italy On Tuesday I ran around train stations all day getting to Pisa and Florence. I left early in the morning and was able to spend about half an hour in Pisa (after two hours of trains…
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Rome-ing Around

Rome, Italy This week is Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Spain, which means Spring Break, which means I finally get to fulfill a life-long dream and come to Rome Since arriving here I have been in awe of everything, from…
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A rainy day in Lugo

Lugo, Spain Took a day trip to Lugo, a nearby city, on Saturday and it rained all day. But, since there isn’t any other kind of day in Galicia, it was just a regular day. Lugo is the only city…
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Muros, a 2-hour long day-trip.

Muros, Spain Yesterday, Jess, Katie and I spent the day going back and forth in the bus to Muros. I say that because we literally spent more time on the bus than we did in the actual city. Muros is…
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