Monthly Archive: April 2013


Barcelona, Spain I came back last night from a fun but rainy weekend in Barcelona with my friends Jess and Katie! Katie was here with us last semester but moved to Barcelona for work for her second semester so we…
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Ich bin im Zürich!

Zürich, Switzerland Lucerne, Switzerland This weekend I was finally able to visit my lovely cousin Juliet and her husband Simon in SWITZERLAND! I can honestly say that I never thought I would ever in my life go to Zürich (not…
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Springtime in Murcia!

Murcia, Spain This past weekend I was so happy to go back to Murcia to visit my family there one last time this year. Murcia was having its Spring festivals, which ended with El Entierro de la Sardina (the burial…
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Back in Rome

Rome, Italy After a restful night back from Paris, I woke up late and only planned to go to the Pantheon on Friday. The Pantheon is a temple originally dedicated to all the Roman gods (pan (all) theon (gods)) and…
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