Monthly Archive: July 2014

This week we talk to the man behind The Blazing Nomad, TJ Champitto!

Lazy, crazy weekend on Devon Avenue, Chicago

This past weekend I visited my friend Melanie, who lives on Devon Avenue in Chicago, AKA to my family as “Indian Town”. My mom, being from India, has been the cause of us visiting Indian Town twice a year my…
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Salt Lake City… meh?

Another set of pictures I found from an ancient trip! A few years ago I participated in the National Conference of Undergraduate Research to present my psychological research poster on spirituality among depressed patients with HIV. The conference took me…
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Would You Eat It? Indian Crab Curry

Coming from an Indian family, some of the food we eat is strange to many people. However, I don’t care who you are – crab curry is the stuff of gods. I would probably request it as a last meal,…
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Travel Tip Tuesday: Rick Steves’ Audio Europe App

It’s a goal of mine to spread the word about any travel tip, and with Rick Steves being an idol of mine, I have to talk about his app, Rick Steves’ Audio Europe. As my iPod touch is a first generation,…
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Travel Tip Tuesday: Don’t forget the extra underwear! Packing list for young women.

Travel Tip Tuesday: Samantha’s Top Ten Travel-Themed Pins

Pinterest, the ultimate time-passer, has become my new favorite search engine. There is no better way to prepare for your next adventure or project. Here are my top ten travel-themed pins that deserve a look! The inevitable packing list.

I got the honor of interviewing Sabina Trojanova of Girl vs. Globe – a fellow travel blogger whose travels and experiences are very inspiring! Read on to get a glimpse of Sabina.

Washington, DC – A post three years later.

Three summers ago, when I was nearly a junior in college and well-immersed into my research lab at the psychology department of my university, I attended the American Psychological Association conference in Washington, DC in August 2011. While I was…
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Would You Eat It? Porto’s Francesinha

Think of all your favorite foods – meat, eggs, cheese, and even beer – and then put it all in a sandwich: Ta da! You get the francesinha, a typical sandwich found traditionally in Porto, Portugal. I had the pleasure…
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